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Servants of the House

Someone once said, “Make sure your towel is bigger than your ego; now go and serve

Our purpose and mandate in this ministry are to serve people at the basic
practical core of their needs.
Jesus demonstrated a profound, but practical principle about the act of a true servant.
According to John 13:1-17, Jesus laid aside His garment, took a towel and girded
Himself, poured water into a basin and shocked His students! He began to wash His
disciples’ dirty feet, an act that was reserved for the house servant! After completing
such an act, note what Jesus said to the disciples, “ 15  For I have given you an example,
that you should do as I have done to you. 16  Most assuredly, I say to you, a Servant is
not greater than his Master; nor is he who is sent greater than He who sent him. 17  If you
know these things, blessed are you if you do them.
At the conclusion of time, when we all must stand before the awesome presence of
God, He will not say, “Enter in Pastor, Teacher, Doctor or Missionary.” The scripture is
clear that He will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant…” (Mt 25:23) This ministry
calls for those who have a burden to carry a towel.

Brenda and Jerry Cooper.JPG

Brenda & Jerry Cooper

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Sybil Healy

Carl Collins- SOTH leader.JPG

Carl Collins

Denise Collins-Head of Hospitality & boa

Denise Collins

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Ernest & Gayle Brown

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